MonthNotes — May 2022

Insight, inspiration and lessons learned

Amy Streator Wilson
3 min readJun 1, 2022

What’s been good about May?

May has been a glorious mix of fun, exercise, travel and writing, kicking off with a triathlon on the first weekend with my best mate, Rachel.

May started like this | Photo by Artem Verbo on Unsplash

Writing on Medium has also been an obsessive, addictive pastime that has taken a large part of my focus. Falling down this rabbit hole has felt amazing, though. It’s been years since I’ve been in a state of ‘flow’ unless I’m running or cycling, so the experience is akin to coming home.

Staying with the flow has enabled me to really pick up the writing pace: this will be my 25th article published in Medium in May, an achievement I would not have thought possible at the start of April.

Who inspired you?

The person who has moved me the most this month is Devon Price.

I’ve been reading his articles on Medium for years and worried about him for about as long. He has written viscerally about depression, abuse and the challenges posed…



Amy Streator Wilson

Interested in everything and everyone… yet hiking, travel, mountains, space, energy and sustainability really float my boat